We knew we could expect a certain level of commitment, but it was still more than we expected. For instance, we knew we were going to have weekly conference calls [during the transition phase], but when BCC people would also just call unexpectedly to see how we were doing, it was surprising. We appreciated that.

Rick Kropski, SVP Logistics & Supply Chain, Arandell Corporation

They are always available and they seem to go out of their way to help. I am encouraged by our relationship and hope we can be partners for years to come.

Ken Miller, Lee Enterprises

Any challenges we encountered in the switch to using the Intelligent Mail® barcode were resolved with the help of BCC Software’s comprehensive customer support system. Their forums are really helpful—I can troubleshoot most of my problems on my own. The customer-exclusive online user forums offer peer-to-peer guidance and a 24/7 resource. I usually don’t call tech support unless I’m really stuck; and when I am, they’re always able to help.

Natalie Bisnow, Dayton Mailing Services

…everyone at BCC Software was very responsive to our needs and helpful.

I appreciate getting the same level of service from BCC Software that we preach and provide to our customers. Everyone that we have dealt with has been exceptional, both in their availability, and expertise.

Todd Stoker, Anderson Direct & Digital

After sixteen years with your competitor’s software I was very nervous in switching software. However, when I reached out to your support team it all came together very quickly. The ease of use of BCC Mail Manager Full Service and the outstanding technical support really made our experience with BCC Software a success. — Customer’s Developer

Fortune 500 Transactional Mailer
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