We have become in many ways an extension of our customers – they want us to suggest new ways for them to get better results. Doing that saves them money, and of course helps us keep them as clients.

Rick Kropski, Arandell Corporation

Results- Lee Enterprises has saved thousands of dollars using BCC Mail Manager as well as the confidence that BCC’s support will respond quickly.

Lee Enterprises

TaskMaster not only provides us with a huge time saving, but also a level of accuracy that we’d never have in a manual mode.

Jerry Eiler, Ripon Printing

Cut my overall data processing time in half.

Michael Libby, Owner Perinton Publishing

Results- Security Finance is delighted with the transition to BCC Mail Manager Full Service, as they expect to see a full return on their investment within a year.

Security Finance

Our last NCOALink product provided only 18 months of data. With BCC Mail Manager Full Service we get 48 months of data for a lower price.

Todd Stoker, Anderson Direct & Digital
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