…our data-processing team had no problems setting up Track N Trace. Once you know BCC Mail Manager, it’s easy.

Natalie Bisnow, Dayton Mailing Services

We’re really pleased. Switching to BCC Software was the right decision.

Kerry Gradel, PJ Green

If you are a BCC Mail Manager user, the commands make sense. It’s not a programming language, it’s the same kind of words that you’d use running a presort or anything else in BCC Mail Manager, just in a scripted-kind of fashion. Don’t be afraid – just try it and the more you use it, the more you’re going to like it.

We started to get some customers that sent in files the same way every week, and that gave us the courage to say ‘let’s automate’ and see if we could save time. We started playing with TaskMaster and found out how easy it was to use. The more we used it, the more we were impressed with it. It can do anything.

Jerry Eiler, Ripon Printers

Some jobs that we’re running already, they’re running faster than they’ve ever run, so the efficiency is there.

Marty Bowie, Security Finance

After sixteen years with your competitor’s software I was very nervous in switching software. However, when I reached out to your support team it all came together very quickly. The ease of use of BCC Mail Manager Full Service and the outstanding technical support really made our experience with BCC Software a success. — Customer’s Developer

Fortune 500 Transactional Mailer

Neither our production volumes, or our customers could be adversely impacted by our move to a new postal software.

Todd Stoker, Anderson Direct & Digital

It’s a relief to finally make the move to our new software. The transition was seamless, and we are very happy with our purchase of BCC Mail Manager Full Service and our decision to partner with BCC Software.

Alanna Jacob, Coffey Communications
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