When BCC Software came in and did their presentation, [our reaction was] ‘Wow, OK – this is it’. We saw right away that the software would be easier to deal with, and that the transition from our other software to BCC would go very smoothly.

Rick Kropski, Arandell Corporation

The power and flexibility of our BCC Mail Manager Full Service software allows for a smooth transition to the most integrated workflows. Before, our team had to use an entire suite of software programs to accomplish almost all of what we can now achieve in BCC Mail Manager Full Service.

Alanna Jacob, Coffey Comunications

Your PostalOne!® files are perfect. The TaskMaster enhancements have been and enormous help to our operation.

Michelle Hilston, Consolidated Solutions

The reseller site takes the tracking out of my hands, so the customer can get their information directly. The site is also user-friendly, so customers have had no issues logging in and viewing their reports on demand. For a more hands-off approach, Track N Trace allows us to set up customer/project-specific automated reporting at scheduled intervals. This allows our customers to automatically receive scheduled reports immediately after Track N Trace processes the USPS® scans. This reporting has been invaluable in helping our customers hit their in-home dates.

Natalie Bisnow, Dayton Mailing Services

PJ Green was rewarded with a long-term mailing technology partner with BCC Software. We had a smooth transition to BCC Mail Manager Full Service. The software fully supports Full Service Intelligent Mail® barcode, Mail.dat, palletization, job-automation, Move Update services, and more.

PJ Green, Inc

It actually came down to BCC Software and one other vendor, and when we were doing demos of both of them, BCC Software clearly had more functionality. It’s very robust software. There’s a lot of power there.

Marty Bowie, Security Finance

Automated workflows using Full Service and TaskMaster have enabled us to quickly process and deliver mailing databases to our printer customers. Customers have commented that besides delivering mailing databases faster, we are also more reliable and repeated than other vendors. We credit BCC Mail Manager Full Service and TaskMaster for this.

Michael Libby, Owner, Perinton Publishing

“We used to take 5 days to submit a stage II test. After purchasing BCC Mail Manager Full Service with the NCOALink EU option the process was submitted within only a few hours.”
— Customer’ Developer

“On average the benchmarking demonstrated a 5-8% uplift in 5 digit sortation in favor of BCC Mail Manager Full Service. The speed for PAVE, CASS, and NCOALink processing was vastly superior when using BCC Mail Manager Full Service.”
— Buyer’s Analysis

Fortune 500 Transactional Mailer

I love that the NCOALink® and Suppression Services are linked into the BCC Mail Manager Full Service software to offer us one integrated solution.

Todd Stoker, Anderson Direct & Digital
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