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Post-Presort Software to Manage Mail.dat® File Processing

DAT-MAIL is complete mailing data management software that provides real world solutions for any mailer who submits postage statements to the USPS.

It lets you edit your mailing documentation and generate postal statements & comprehensive postage reports with ease.

Benefits of Using DAT-MAIL

Simplified user interface: eliminates the need for in-depth Mail.dat knowledge, centralizing access and updates in a single location.

Streamlines mailing program management: by allowing comprehensive edits—from date changes to mail owner information—on a singular screen. Automates USPS file updates: eliminating manual download requirements for labeling list updates.

Centralizes mass updates: for permits, CRIDs, MIDs, NPA, and PAN in a database, ensuring organization and preventing data loss.

Offers over 100 report options: surpassing BCC Post-Presort’s limited selection, to cater to a wide range of needs, including unforeseen ones.

“If you process Mail.dat files after the presort process, you need DAT-MAIL”

Get More Done with the Advanced Navigator

The Advanced Navigator screen displays the most important information about the presort, provides access to the most commonly used functions and reports, and lets you edit and update your files by simply pressing a button.

You don’t need to be a Mail.dat expert: this screen shows you exactly where the data is in the file and allows access to the data you need at the click of a button.

Centralized Control: Access crucial presort information, frequently used functions, and reports all from one screen.

Quick Processing: Streamline your mailing tasks, including Intelligent Mail® Full-Service qualified mail and eDoc, with user-friendly controls.

Simplified Editing: Update and edit Mail.dat files effortlessly, no expert knowledge required—just a simple click to access and modify the data you need.

mail.dat interface

Automate Smarter with the Advanced Workflow Automation Manager

AWAM: the most powerful Mail.dat automated processing tool available today.

Automate Mass Updates: Clean up incorrect or missing data within your Mail.dat files and assist with By/For identification, ensuring accurate and compliant mailing information.

Batch Printing: Automatically print essential mailing documents such as reports, tray tags, and pallet placards, which saves time and reduces manual processing errors.

Automatic Date Setting: Set your mailing and other relevant dates automatically, which helps maintain schedule adherence without manual intervention.

Automated Exports: Perform automated Mail.dat exports to PostalOne!® or other applications, facilitating seamless data integration and transmission.

Mail Palletization: Automatically palletize your mailings according to predefined specifications, optimizing space and logistics for shipping.

Automated Statement Generation: Automate the generation of statements and submissions of ready-to-pay updates to PostalOne!®, streamlining financial processes and compliance.

These functionalities of AWAM provide a comprehensive suite of tools to automate and manage the complexities of mail processing, enhancing productivity and efficiency in mailing operations.

Learn More About AWAM →

A Better Mailing Experience from Import to Submission

DAT-MAIL is the easiest post-presort product to implement.

Enhance Postage Accuracy
: Refine the accuracy of postage statements, documentation, and last-minute edits of Mail.dat files with precision.

Streamline Operations: Transition to electronic submissions and embrace the only complete end-to-end post-presort automation solution in the industry, saving time and reducing labor costs.

Boost Savings: Qualify for postal discounts, incentives, and promotions while effectively managing spoilage and shortages to reduce overall costs.

Cut Transportation and Storage Costs: Utilize tray copalletization and maintain a robust finished mail pallet inventory to optimize space and reduce expenses.

Enhance Your Competitive Advantage: Achieve the highest level of postal discounts and incentives, bolstered by excellent customer service and efficient PostalOne!® transactions and documentation.

Increase Accuracy and Control: Minimize human error and variability, and ensure continuity with alerts (email or SMS) for any PostalOne! submission issues, preventing any oversight.

Features and Add-Ons to Make DAT-MAIL More Powerful

Ideally, these cards will be the details Add-On’s Lisa mentioned in an email (PMOD, MCTM, Spoilage, Toolbox)  — we will link to a full page and/or data sheet with more details than what can fit in the cards — How to fit in DM Toolbox and DM Editor?? 

Planalyzer lets you determine best entry plan based on lowest net cost based on freight costs and postage savings

  • Use tables from multiple logistics companies to shop for the best deal or to support the needs of clients who have directly contracted with these companies.
  • Easy to setup and use. You can Import freight tables supplied to you by your logistics vendor (CSV, TSV, XLS, XML)
  • Updates Mail.dat® files so results can impact your production and documentation
  • Produces drop ship analysis report and exports results to a CSV file
  • Multi-job freight planning allows you to combine all mail to be shipped on a particular date to get the very best rates and drop ship penetration possible.
    • Avoids minimum charges and weights on small jobs.

Planalyzer lets you determine best entry plan based on lowest net cost based on freight costs and postage savings

  • Use tables from multiple logistics companies to shop for the best deal or to support the needs of clients who have directly contracted with these companies.
  • Easy to setup and use. You can Import freight tables supplied to you by your logistics vendor (CSV, TSV, XLS, XML)
  • Updates Mail.dat® files so results can impact your production and documentation
  • Produces drop ship analysis report and exports results to a CSV file
  • Multi-job freight planning allows you to combine all mail to be shipped on a particular date to get the very best rates and drop ship penetration possible.
    • Avoids minimum charges and weights on small jobs.

Planalyzer lets you determine best entry plan based on lowest net cost based on freight costs and postage savings

  • Use tables from multiple logistics companies to shop for the best deal or to support the needs of clients who have directly contracted with these companies.
  • Easy to setup and use. You can Import freight tables supplied to you by your logistics vendor (CSV, TSV, XLS, XML)
  • Updates Mail.dat® files so results can impact your production and documentation
  • Produces drop ship analysis report and exports results to a CSV file
  • Multi-job freight planning allows you to combine all mail to be shipped on a particular date to get the very best rates and drop ship penetration possible.
    • Avoids minimum charges and weights on small jobs.

Planalyzer lets you determine best entry plan based on lowest net cost based on freight costs and postage savings

  • Use tables from multiple logistics companies to shop for the best deal or to support the needs of clients who have directly contracted with these companies.
  • Easy to setup and use. You can Import freight tables supplied to you by your logistics vendor (CSV, TSV, XLS, XML)
  • Updates Mail.dat® files so results can impact your production and documentation
  • Produces drop ship analysis report and exports results to a CSV file
  • Multi-job freight planning allows you to combine all mail to be shipped on a particular date to get the very best rates and drop ship penetration possible.
    • Avoids minimum charges and weights on small jobs.

PostalWeb® Add-On: Integrate Seamlessly with USPS Systems

Enhanced Automation for Efficient Postal Interactions with the PostalWeb Add-On

Simple PostalOne!® Submissions
: Directly and automatically submit Mail.dat files to USPS, simplifying interactions with PostalOne! and ensuring rapid processing.

Automated PostalOne!® Interactions: Enhances eDoc creation and submission, streamlining interactions with PostalOne! through automated processes for quick and reliable eDoc adjustments and retrieval.

Compliance and Accuracy Checks: Conducts real-time validations against USPS standards, ensuring that your submissions are error-free and comply with the most current postal regulations.

Advanced Reporting Capabilities: Generates detailed reports tailored for production, distribution, customer service, and accounting departments, enhancing cross-departmental transparency and coordination.

Optimal Postal Discounts and Tracking: Automatically maximizes eligibility for USPS discounts while providing enhanced tracking and reporting features that integrate seamlessly with PostalWeb® for efficient statement retrieval.

Learn more about PostalWeb →

Improves Your Shop Floor Productivity, Accuracy, Visibility and Compliance with wbSCAN

wbSCAN is a browser-based program that extends DAT-MAIL’s reach to your shop floor. Use network connected handheld, tablet and desktop computers to interact with your DAT-MAIL data in real-time.

Improve Shop Floor Operations:

  • Replace back-office interactions with shop floor scans.
  • Automate postage payment and piece weight updates.
  • Scan to reprint missing tray tags and pallet placards.
  • Add sibling trays and print their tags and placards.

Trailer Loading and Verification:

  • Prevent loading errors with real-time pallet verification.
  • Create electronic trailer manifests and paper bills of lading.
    Manage finished pallet inventory efficiently.

Data Utilization:

  • Leverage DAT-MAIL data to identify and fix preparation errors.
  • Meet in-home dates through accurate mail preparation.
  • Improve Mailer Scorecard results, avoiding undocumented pieces.
  • Ensure ZIP+4 accuracy and active Mail.dat file mapping.

Works with most PCs, tablets, smartphones and industrial devices with USB or Bluetooth scanners.

wbSCAN Brings Big-Time Benefits

Labor Cost Savings
: Reduce manual labor with automated processes.

Improved Accuracy: Manage partial and complete mailings with higher precision, and avoid costly loading errors

Easy to Use: Simplifies DAT-MAIL operations and makes training new users easier.

Enhanced Quality Assurance: Spot and fix common preparation errors quickly.

Increase Shop Floor Productivity: Reprint tags and placards efficiently.

Production Visibility: Get real-time status updates from print to ship.

DAT-MAIL is Complete Mailing Data Management Software

DAT-MAIL is complete Mailing Data Management software that provides real world solutions for any mailer who submits postage statements to the USPS. It lets you edit your mailing documentation and generate postal statements & comprehensive postage reports.

Edit entry point designations to deal with last minute transportation or long-term cost savings situations without changing your physical manufacturing mail stream.

Update the data to reflect the last-minute changes mailers face every day in real-world mailing situations. Once your changes are made, provide the USPS with accurate Qualification Reports and Postage Statements. 

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