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Follow Up: What is going on with the USPS?

March 30, 2015

We remain in limbo with the USPS®, but we know one thing for certain: the entire rate case will be delayed. The April 26, 2015 date has been removed, and new target date has not yet been announced. That means there will be no new prices for any class of mail.

In addition PostalOne! Release 41 will be postponed – delaying the implementation of Mail.dat 15-1 as well as the last 14-2 errata. All rates and Mail.dat versions will remain the same as they are today.

While portions of the USPS proposals have been accepted by the PRC, specifically First-Class Mail®, Competitive Products, and Special Services, others were still in flux when the announcement was made on Friday, March 27, less than a month before the proposed implementation date. As of this eBulletin, the prices that have the highest impact on advertising postage payers, Standard Mail®, Periodicals, and Package Services remain up in the air.

BCC Software thanks the USPS for acknowledging the impact failing to abide by the required 45 day notification period would have on mailers and vendors. This window is what allows vendors time to make the necessary adjustments to software and mailers to accurately plan and estimate work.

If you missed last week’s webinar that covered what has and has not been approved in greater detail, you can watch that here. Keep an eye on your email as the situation evolves for updates from BCC Software on the impact this will have on your business.

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