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BCC Mail Manager Users Excited about Window Book’s New eDM10X™

August 05, 2014

For years the USPS® has been pushing mailers into using PostalOne!®.  The reality is that mailers do not have time to wait for PostalOne!®.  You need to be free to work on the shop floor, with customers or the USPS.

Some BCC Mail Manager users asked Window Book about how they can work better with PostalOne!®.  Additionally, they told us they need a better way to upgrade their USPS MDR client on a regular basis.

In response, Window Book delivered a solution that is now being used by hundreds of mailers to:

  • Automatically update and install USPS MDR Client updates
  • Provide exceptional automated email and text message notification of PostalOne! events such as validation failures, job acceptance failure, USPS finalized or reversed statements and PostalOne! database insert failures
  • Quickly fix PostalOne! validation errors without having to rerun your presort
  • Provide easy to understand instructions on what to do for different types of PostalOne! failures and messages

eDM10X is a great complimentary solution to BCC Mail Manager Full Service™, or
BCC Mail Manager™ with the Mail.dat® option, and does not require any post-presort software such as a Mail.dat editor.

BCC Mail Manager customers can contact their BCC representative or contact Window Book directly at 800-524-0380. More information is also available at www.WindowBook.com/EDM

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