
Bird’s Eye View Direct Marketing

April 03, 2017

Have you ever marveled at how some direct marketers seem to have an eagle eye when it comes to targeting the ideal customers? You can too with Rooftop Geocoding service from BCC Software.

By converting traditional street addresses into geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude, you can pinpoint the exact location for delivering your message directly to your most desired customers.

Here are other ways that Rooftop Geocoding can be used to improve your direct mail efforts:

  • Avoid sending mail pieces to invalid prospects (ex: window replacement deals to renters at apartment communities).
  • Identify where your best customers live so you can profile prospects that have similar attributes.
  • Create profiles of your best customers as to where they live or where they live in relation to a retail outlet or other services.
  • Build better targeted campaigns for store openings and regional events.
  • Map locations in relation to where your customer lives and where product is available.
  • Identify the taxing jurisdiction or school district of your best customers.

The service is based on the combined intelligence of multiple sources for the most accurate and precise results. As part of our service, Census Tract, Block Groups, and Block Numbers are also appended. The USPS uses information pulled from the last census and does not have the accuracy of our Rooftop Geocoding service.

BCC Software can help put your company’s direct mailing efforts on the map with our Rooftop Geocoding service.

Coming Soon: Rooftop Geocoding for Mail Manager products

Soon to be available from the DMS wizard in BCC Mail Manager products, Rooftop-Level Geocode processing adds the exact latitude and the longitude of the address to each record, putting the power of targeted and personalized communications in your hands.

Watch for more news and other information on when this powerful service will be available to you.

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