
President’s Task Force on the United States Postal System: An Update

June 04, 2018

Since we last reported in the May eBulletin, the President’s Task Force has been actively meeting with industry stakeholders. Gary Grippo, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Finance, U.S. Department of Treasury, is Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin’s designate and is leading the Task Force. Meetings have been held with many of the leading mailing organizations, including Association of Postal Commerce (Postcom), Alliance of Nonprofit Mailers, Association of Magazine Media (MPA), and the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service (C21). According to several of the meeting attendees, the Task Force is clearly looking for a long-term solution to the USPS®’ financial woes and listening to ideas from industry stakeholders.

As reported, the Task Force is mandated to issue a report outlining proposed changes within 120 days. Since this report will likely include recommendations, it is still unclear how any of the recommendations will make it into policy.

BCC Software will continue to update our customers on this Task Force and what it could mean for the industry.

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