Ready to revolutionize your business and upgrade your current NCOALink subscription? Get started using COMPLIANCE+ today!
Now that we’ve been offering COMPLIANCE+™ for a few weeks, BCC Software’s Data Marketing Services department wanted to share some FAQs with our customers.
Q: What is the sequence of processes used for this service?
A: Address Resolution Service (ARS), PCOA, then NCOALink® FSP
Q: Can COMPLIANCE+ correct bad business addresses?
A: No! ARS and PCOA use Individual matching, which is based on full name and address data. However, the NCOALink phase of this process does include business moves. So, NCOALink can potentially find a Change of Address (COA) on an already complete business address.
Q: How are addresses corrected through ARS flagged?
A: ARS will attempt to correct addresses that CASS™ cannot, such as DPV® Confirmation = N or Return Code = 32. The Address Resolution Footnote field can be used to determine if the address was corrected and/or if changes were made. If the field contains a “>” then the address is now DPV Confirmed and has a 9-digit ZIP Code™, which means it is corrected. Otherwise, only a footnote field will be appended.
Note: The most common ARS Footnote to expect is an “X,” No Address Resolution Match. This is because any “complete” address submitted for ARS will have no changes.
Q: What are the recommended/required fields for PCOA?
A: PCOA can only find Individual moves. So, full name and address information is required. Also, we recommend using the PCOA Move Effective Date and PCOA Confidence Score fields, which will be populated when a move is found. Both fields are very useful for reviewing the results.
Q: What type of moves can COMPLIANCE+ find?
A: Moves can be found during the PCOA and NCOALink FSP phases of the process.
- PCOA can potentially find Individual moves based on multiple sources, such as magazine subscriptions, credit cards, and utility companies within the last 60 months.
- NCOALink FSP can find Individual, Family and Business moves based on COAs filed with the USPS® within 48 months.
Q: Is it possible to receive both a PCOA and NCOALink FSP move on a record?
A: Yes! Since the PCOA and NCOALink FSP databases are constructed using different sources, both may return an update. These updates may append similar move dates or completely different dates. How? PCOA has the ability to find moves as old as 60 months and/or moves not filed as a COA with the USPS. Often, these updates can lead to additional matches during the NCOALink FSP phase of the process. This is because the PCOA updates are then used to look for COAs.
PCOA and NCOALink FSP may share similar move dates due to the recipient notifying sources used by both process types at the same time.
Q: What reports are included in this service?
A: One set of reports is returned for each list.
- Processing Certificate
- National Deliverability Index (NDI)
- PS 3553 (CASS Report)
- Change of Address (COA) Audit Report – Includes addresses flagged as moves through PCOA/NCOALink and LACSLink® conversions, and shows how the address originally (input) and currently (output) appears. The option to save this report as a delimited file is only available while processing the return job.
Note: Need an easy way to differentiate PCOA matches from NCOALink FSP matches on this report? PCOA will have no COA Move Type.
Q: What is an easy Selectivity that can be used to find ANY address changed during COMPLIANCE+ processing?
A: Our recommended Selectivity to select any address flagged as a move through NCOALink, address updated through PCOA, or address corrected through ARS processing:
([Address Resolution Footnote] Includes “>”) OR
(Not Empty([PCOA Confidence Score])) OR
(Not Empty([MATCHFLAG]))
If you have any additional questions regarding COMPLIANCE+, please call our Data Marketing Services department at 800-337-0372.