
Guest Article from Canon Solutions America: Inkjet and Direct Mail Marketing – What’s the hook?

January 30, 2017

Direct marketers know all about the hook – that short little catchphrase that grabs the consumer’s interest and maybe even justifies the purchase. When positioning inkjet to the transaction printing market the hook is easy: White Paper Solution + Workflow = Profits. If you’re in the direct mail or collateral fulfillment business, the hook is not so simple.

Yes, direct marketers can save money with inkjet relative to the running cost of toner-based presses, however, there are not the same opportunities to eliminate preprinted stocks, standardize on one or two stocks, or combine mailings that transaction printers do. In fact, some direct marketers have linearized over two dozen stocks for production on their inkjet presses and regularly run jobs on six or seven different stocks.

For this market, the opportunity really lies in what inkjet allows marketing services providers to do for their clients. As clients hunger for more personalization, inkjet delivers full color personalization at a reasonable price. Toner presses with similar quality can’t meet the cost or time-to-market constraints of major mailers. Web presses offer volume and quality but can’t meet personalization or time to market demands. Inkjet fills the gap and of what toner presses and web presses cannot and provides a “best of both worlds” scenario. Maybe that’s the hook: “fast, high-quality personalization at a reasonable cost.”


With the increasing array of inkjet papers available, there are so many great options for ink and sophisticated finishing options. You can now offer clients tremendous creativity and personalization as well as super-fast turn times. If you can use inkjet to get your clients hooked on full color personalization and the boost in response it drives, there’s no doubt you’ll be hooked on the margins you can achieve from this printing technology.

Click here to download the Inkjet and Direct Mail Marketing full article.

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