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Rate Case Update

May 04, 2015

In the April 16th filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC), the USPS responded to the last set of remands from the PRC regarding Standard Mail, Periodical, and Package Services rates. The PRC issued a response to the USPS on April 17 and indicated they would accept industry comments through Thursday, April 23rd. If this set of new rates is accepted by the PRC, the effective date for implementation will be May 31, 2015.

The filing primarily addresses price discrepancies found in the last PRC remand. We hope that the PRC will accept this last set of changes quickly, which will allow the software vendor community to deliver and test the software products you need to be compliant. The full impact of this last notice will not be completely understood until the Federal Register is published.  We anticipate that preparation changes that are not obvious from the pricing presented by the USPS will also be published at that time.

UPDATE: Click to view the Federal Register Published 5/4/2015

Keep your eyes peeled for a more complete update and an invitation to join us on a webinar.

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