Postal Regulatory Commission Approves Internal Measurement System
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After almost four years and an extensive docket, the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) has approved the use of the Postal Service™’s internal measurement systems for purposes of complying with service performance measurement in the annual compliance determination. The order in Docket No. PI2015-1 approves the internal measurement system as the replacement for the legacy External First-Class (EXFC) system.
The EXFC system is an end-to-end measurement system operated by an independent third party and measures First-Class single-piece letters, cards, and flats. The system is based on statistical sampling and measures sample pieces from induction to final delivery. It’s reasonable to say that it has outlived its usefulness as a measure of overall USPS® service performance. The new internal system measures actual live mail and is based on data from scans taken during processing and delivery. The new system will measure service performance of all market dominant products, not just First-Class.
To ensure objectivity, the PRC will require the Postal Service continue to use an independent third-party to audit the system.