
USPS® Informed Addressing: What Do We Know?

February 03, 2021

Many customers have noticed – and asked about – the Informed Addressing feature that was included in the mail.dat specifications for 21-1. Here is what we know regarding Informed Addressing:

At this time, the USPS has “paused” the Informed Addressing program; however, they did not update the mail.dat specification to remove the feature.  We will see features in CASS™ Cycle O that will be in the same state in the future.

While we are continuing to follow USPS communications for guidance on the program, we do not believe the Informed Address feature will need to be used this year.

If mailers have additional questions, we encourage them to reach out directly to the USPS. Unfortunately, because the program is not open, there is no contact email at the USPS that can be provided at this time.

As we learn more about the program, we will continue to keep our customers informed.

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