First Scan Data is Now Available within Track N Trace®
Table of Contents
What is a first scan? Why the change?
A first scan is the earliest physical scan that is received for a mailpiece though the USPS IV-MTR system.
Customer and partner interviews revealed a need to understand when tracking initiates for a particular mailpiece.
Customers can now determine when a particular mailpiece has been “seen” by USPS sorting equipment, providing confidence that the USPS sorting and delivery process is underway.
What Changed?
You will now have an option to export and schedule first scan date and time via exports. Customers who do not opt into the additional data will see no changes.
If you elect to view the new scan options it may require adjustments to integrations you currently have in place.
The Mailpiece Export will have the following fields added when a customer opts in:

The Scan Export file will display all scans for a mailpiece with a flag to distinguish first physical scan received when a customer opts in.
Customer Impact
Clients will be presented with new form options to view first scan data under the “Data Exports” and “Schedules” section of TNT.
Customers may also filter their results by state (see below).
Sales & Support Impact
Though we do not foresee any negative impact to customers, please contact or call 800-624-5234 with any issues you experience.
Note: Customers who have mailings initiated prior to this feature release may notice blank First Scan Date/Time information on exports.