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Three Helpful Tips for Successful Updates

March 30, 2015

BCC Software publishes six bi-monthly update disks annually, in addition to several interim web updates and table updates, to keep BCC Mail Manager current with the latest USPS requirements and tables. As the release nears with changes to support the anticipated rate adjustments, now is a good time to ensure you’re considering these three best practices for installing updates:

1 – Whenever you run an update, be sure that BCC Mail Manager is completely closed. Whether it is the regular CD update, a Web Update, or a Table Update downloaded from the customer portal, BCC Mail Manager should be closed. Furthermore, network version users should always make sure all clients are shut down before running any update. When running a web update downloaded via BCC Mail Manager, the program should be closed before selecting ‘yes’ to the question: ‘Do you want to keep unpackaging…?’

2 – There are several methods to be sure that the program is current. From the BCC Mail Manager main menu, go to Configure > Preferences > General. Selecting ‘Check for an update each time the program starts’ allows BCC Mail Manager to check the current installed version against the latest available update. If a newer version exists, you are prompted for an update. The user forum on the BCC Customer Portal also contains update notification threads for each product. Subscribing to these threads provides an email notification when a new update is available.

Mail Manager notifications

Mail Manager FS notifications

3 – Customer Support has seen cases where companies do not run the program updates, but routinely update the encoding data. The downloadable web updates are designed to work only with the current CD release. For example, a web update published in March would not update the December CD installation. It also would not be displayed as an available update when going to Help > Web Update from the Mail Manager Main Menu.

If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support at 800.624.5234

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