Upgraded Digital Signature on Several BCC Software Products
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As part of our move to electronic fulfillment, or eFulfillment, of all products, BCC Software is pleased to announce we have upgraded the digital signature used in the BCC Software digital downloads you receive for most Windows based products.
What is a digital signature?
Wikipedia offers a somewhat plain-English definition: “Code signing is the process of digitally signing executables and scripts to confirm the software author and guarantee that the code has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed. The process employs the use of a cryptographic hash to validate authenticity and integrity.”
What changed at BCC Software?
With today’s announcement, we’re letting you know we have upgraded the digest algorithm used by the cryptographic hash mentioned above, further solidifying the security of our downloads in the future. It means that you can be confident the software updates you download from BCC Software are exactly what we produced for you. The integrity of the download is in-tact, so you can trust that what you downloaded is exactly what we provided.
What do I have to do?
Nothing! Continue to download the electronic software updates as we post them with the confidence that what you’re receiving and installing is precisely what we produced. If you have any questions about the electronic fulfillment process, please call our Customer Support Team at at 800.624.5234.